2016 Census Print
Monday, 25 July 2016 23:08

This year’s Census, which takes place on the night of 9 August , will rely heavily on the ele ctronic transmission of the data – more than two thirds of the population are expected to complete the census online. When contacted about the procedure to be followed by members preferring to complete a paper form, the Australian Bur eau of Statistics replied as follows:

For people requiring a paper form there will be an instruction to call the automated Paper Form Request System (PFRS) on the Census Instruction Letter which will be delivered to households across Australia in early August. If U3A member s would like to arrange for a paper form to be sent to them, they can call the PFRS on 1300 820 275 and follow the prompts. The 12 - digit Census Login Number provided in the instruction letter will be needed to complete the request.

If you or other members have any further inquiries regarding the census, please do not hesitate to call the Census Inquiry Service on 1300 214 531.